Endangered and Threatened Species in Maine

Period 3

The Golden Eagle
The Black Racer
The Box Turtle
The Razorbill

The Arctic Tern
Blanding's Turtle, Red Fin Pickerel, Golden Plover
Northern Bog Lemming
Peregrine Falcon
Little Brown Bat
Swamp Darter, Easter Small footed bat, Six Whorled Snail
Spotted Turtle
Katahdin Arctic Moth

Northern Long Eared Bat

Golden Plover

Period 5

The Little Brown Bat, The Razorbill, The Swamp Darter
The Golden Eagle
The Black Racer
The Least Bittern
The Redfin Pickerel
Upland Sandpiper
The Blanding's Turtle

The Box Turtle, Northern Bog Lemming, New England Cottontail
The Atlantic Puffin
Harlequin Duck

Period 7

Blanding's Turtle, Box Turtle, New England Cottontail
The Piping Plover, The Black Racer
Atlantic Puffin
The Spotted Turtle
The Six Whorled Vertigo Snail and the Peregrine Falcon
The Swamp Darter

The Golden Eagle